Stay late or come early for our 20-minute Active Kids Experience filled with a bible story, song & game.
There is limited seating, so be sure to register
for your FREE ticket today!
1. In-Person Worship Services will open with the following protocols:
Active Church services will follow capacity regulations laid out by local and state officials. We will regulate these capacities using a free ticketing system. To maintain strict regulations of capacity, a ticket will be required to enter an Active Church service. Ticketing will open each Monday by 5 pm. Active Kids will not be open. SLO County is not currently allowing rentals in their buildings, but we will resume Active Kids services at the library as soon as we can. Until then, ALL children are welcome to join us in-person for service at the Fremont.
Additional Health and Safety Protocols:
Service Times will be spaced to allow for thorough sanitation before and after all Active Church services. Our services will adhere to social distancing guidelines. You will be able to sit with the family or party you arrived with but will be placed 6ft apart from other parties. You will find several hand sanitizing stations across our facilities. We will ask that everyone sanitizes before entering our building. High contact personnel will be equipped with gloves and masks until recommended otherwise. We will not provide or require masks for attendees, but you are welcome to wear a mask. All Active Serve Team Members and Active Church Staff will participate in temperature checks before serving that day. All self-serve coffee stations & donut wall will be temporarily discontinued. We will have directional and informational signage all over our facilities to ensure social distancing and safety protocols.
2. Active Online Services will continue to be streamed live each week at 11:00 am