We are so excited that you have decided to take this next step! Active Church will be having child dedications during each of our three services
Commitment to raise your children God’s way.
Dedication means to make a promise and then keep it, to do it the way that God wants us to!
The child at this time will not understand the significance of this Dedication.
Example: I talked to Addison, Jordan & Megan’s 2-year-old daughter “hey are you excited about this dedication? She looked at me smiled and said “cookie”.
Dedication is the acknowledgment by the parents of God in your life by being committed to a goal – to raise your child with God’s standards. By participating here you, as parents, are publicly saying that you want to raise your child in a Christ-honoring home and asking God’s blessing on your ministry as Christian parents.
Take your next step of faith and register here to sign up for a child dedication.